Happy Halloween, everyone!
Wondering what to do tonight? Stay home! Invite people over, and whip up this instant happy hour, compliments of the lovely
Lauren Dawson.

Lauren spent an extended stint in Texas, and she took it like a champ. She calls herself a 'Texan in Training' which inspired the name of the salsa featured below. Lauren finally said goodbye to the advertising world to pursue her love of photography. Check out her beautiful
work. She is now in Boston with her husband and about to pop with their first family addition. Congrats!
From Lauren:
I get compliments on this salsa whenever I make it, and I love these margaritas! The beer cuts the sweetness of the limeade and they taste so good. Drew and I make this salsa and margs for our northeastern friends whenever we miss patios in Dallas....memories of the Blue Goose and Mattito's always make me feel warm in the winter!
Texan in Training Salsa
1 can rotel
1 can of stewed tomatoes
1 tbsp of fresh lime juice
1 tbsp of fresh cilantro
1 tbsp of garlic (powder or fresh)
1 tbsp garlic salt
1 jalapeno (with or without seeds and ribs depending on your heat preference)
Put all ingredients in blender, pulse for a second or two and indulge!
Cheater Margs
1 12 oz container of frozen limeade concentrate
(**use the same container that the limeade came in to measure the following ingredients)
12 oz of tequila
12 oz of any light colored Mexican beer...I like Tecate
12 oz of water (use this to adjust for taste)
Serve over ice with lime wedges-be careful these are strong!