Saturday mornings call for two things: coffee and hash browns. Both in large quantities.
When my friends suggested we have brunch at a place called
Garden Cafe, I asked, "Do they have hash browns?" I got an affirmative, so off we went. Little did I know we would walk through a door and enter heaven.

Not only were there coffee and hash browns, Garden Cafe has a full garden in the backyard with rows and rows of of kale, sweet onions, tomatoes, radicchio. We sat outside and watched the staff pull up fresh veggies for dishes we were about to eat. The building used to be a delapidated tiny strip mall that has been completely renovated to a be a quaint, diner-y, organic haven. And their hashbrowns were pretty good too.
Looking for a good brunch in Dallas? May I suggest
Garden Cafe: 5310 Junius St. Dallas, TX 75214